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Semenawa (level 2)

  • Daruma Neukölln, Berlin (map)

with Kirigami & Tenshiko

We will approach traditional semenawa from a practical and theoretical point of view, understanding the fundamentals of body mechanics and the general principles of Japanese Aesthetics.

The TK/Gote
We will analyse a stemless gote, outlining the shoulder girdle dynamic and the mechanical features of the tie.

Advanced patterns
Some iconic patterns will be used to illustrate general principles of Japanese aesthetics. Both floorwork and suspensions will be part of the schedule.
Some patterns will be used to teach a skill that can be carried over and used in several other ties. Deep focus will be dedicated to body handling during transitions.

Depending on the level of participants, some ties will be variated and transformed into new shapes. Variations are didactically skill-oriented, and participants will improve rope and body handling while experimenting with new ties.

  • Kirigami and Tenshiko are a couple both in ropes and in life.

    They have been teaching and performing in different European cities since 2012. In 2016 they opened School of Rope Milano, where they teach traditional bondage three times a week to local students and foreign visitors.

    In 2023 they started a collaboration with Sugiura Norio Sensei, involving the organization of an international workshop, as well as the production and distribution of photographic contents, both online and on printed editions. In the same year they were invited to teach in Latin America and Australia.

    Their rope is inspired by the most traditional Japanese style bondage, with an eclectic approach encompassing both private sessioning and photography.

  • Tops:

    • Solid TK – stemless

    • Smooth and safe suspension lines management

    • Confidence in suspension sessions


    • Feeling comfortable being tied in a gote

    • Understanding the difference between comfortable and sustainable, and willingness to explore both

    • Ability to self monitor nerve compression and bloodflow restriction.

  • Regular
    €325.00 per couple

    €350.00 per couple

    Low Income
    €300.00 per couple

Please note that Daruma’s VAT status changes on January 1st 2025—any tickets booked after this date may be subject to a change in price.

27 June

Predicament without the gote

19 July

Introduction to Hashira: Techniques for Tying (in)to Upright Objects