Towards Suspension (Step 3): Uplines, Partials and Crafting a Rope Session is a 6-week shibari course designed for those who are ready to start learning (partial-)suspensions. This closed-group format fosters a supportive learning environment, allowing you to build connections with peers at a similar skill level.
In this weekly evening class, you’ll learn how to:
Safely attach and secure suspension lines
Move your tying partner using suspension lines
Tie harnesses suitable for suspension and adapt these to the needs of the person in rope
Assess and moderate the risks of (partial-)suspension and communicate these risks with each other
Better understand your physical and emotional limits in rope and communicate these
Tie a range of (partial-)suspension shapes and understand how the body moves and reacts in them, and how to incorporate them into your rope play
Led alternately by Gestalta and Ztella, we strongly encourage taking this course twice (once with each teacher). Although both courses are aimed at preparing you for suspension, the content is in no way repetitive; each course covers very different shapes/positions, harnesses, and different ideas for incorporating uplines into your play. We also believe that learning from different stylistic perspectives can help you deepen your knowledge, better adapt to the needs of the person you are tying, and help you discover your own unique tying style. We have observed that for the vast majority of people 6 weeks is too short an amount of time to go from having never used a suspension line before, to being confident enough with suspension to safely progress on to intermediate level. We emphasise that regular shibari practice is critical, especially in the beginning.
All of the content needed for this class is covered in our Step 1 and 2 courses. If you have taken lessons elsewhere, it is still possible to attend our step 3 course providing you are fluent in tying:
single column ties and quick release version, straight and counter-tensioned wraps, frictions (nodome, half hitch, x-friction, half moon friction, l-friction), kannuki, hojo cuff, Yuki fix. You should be able to build some basic harnesses (e.g. simple gote, hands front harness, futomomo), and be familiar with the basics of rope handling and body handling (on the floor).
If you are unsure if you have the level, don’t hesitate to reach out to Daruma.
We recommend that you come to this class with a regular tying partner. If you do not already have a partner but would like to take this course, reach out to Daruma, and we can possibly pair you with someone else looking to attend. We also host regular speed-dating events that might be helpful if you are looking to get to know someone to tie with.
Switching is possible, although it will often mean you have less time for each exercise.
Start dates: 31st March (with Gestalta), 12th May (with Ztella), 23rd June (with Gestalta), 18th August (with Gestalta), 29th September (with Ztella), 10th November 2025 (with Gestalta).